Posts Tagged ‘weight loss for women dc’

If you could create the perfect place to workout as a woman what would it look like? What would it feel like in your gym? What type of instructors would you lke to see at your gym? What type of workout equipment would you want? All of these things are important when it comes to both motivating you when working out as well as your overall progress. As a woman who has been an advocate of fitness for over 15 years I have experienced the some of best and the worst fitness gyms. Some gyms have promoted health and fitness in a safe and clean environment. The instructors were pleasant,helpful,and provided a curriculum that was fun yet challenging. On the other hand I have gone to others that have not been so clean.The instructors presentation of fitness was not reflected well and the classes seemed to be motivated towards men only. Not to knock those gyms but they were not my pick for fitness training. Many woman I have worked with over the years have also had simular stories, finding a gym that is both clean and conducive to learning has been a challenge. Women have struggled not only to find a proper training facility but one that caters to the needs of women. I could go on and on about these gyms, but the question is how can we fix it. I challenge you today to imagine your perfect gym, along with your perfect body. And if you are in the Washington DC metropolitan area I want to hear from you! In the next month the opening of Washington DC’s first women and children focus mixed martial arts academy may be the answer to exactly what many women have been searching for. As we build our gym and create our curriculum we want to give our community exactly what they need and want. For more information on the opening of our gym visit www.capitolhilljiujitsu


“Be the change you want to see in the world” – Gandhi